Point of Sale Systems


Check Processing

  • www.etelcharge.com E-Check Services
  • www.getinbalance.org - Learn the fundamentals of smart money management. This link provides financial information from checking account basics to preventing fraud.

Consumer Credit Reports

Credit Union Links

  • CUNA Your money - safe & secure
  • NCUA For more information about how your accounts are insured, click here.
  • DCUL

    Beware of Scam E-mails: The Delaware Credit Union League has announced several recent phishing scams that have hit close to home. One is supposedly from CUNA (Credit Union National Association) asking for personal information to update their web site. While the e-mail looks legitimate, it is not. We urge our members against divulging personal information such as Social Security or account numbers, names and addresses over the internet. Simply put, CUNA, NCUA (National Credit Union Administration) and SFCU will not request confidential information over the internet. If you think something is strange, check it out before responding.

Credit Card Processor Information

File Your Federal Taxes

Receive your tax refund sooner by using direct deposit. You will need our routing number (231176897) and your member number.


Financial Links

Fraud and Identity Theft


  • Internet Fraud - Don't get "phished." Read this informative brochure.

  • Need to learn more about identity theft, protecting your personal information and securing your computer? Visit this link. These are tips and quizzes from the federal government and technology industries to help us all be more secure.

Local Links


Seaford Federal Credit Union's (SFCU) website contains several links. By clicking on that link, you will leave SFCU's website and be directed to an alternate website. SFCU does not operate that website and therefore is not responsible for its content. SFCU does not represent you or the website operator if you enter into this transaction. Privacy and security policies might differ from those practiced by SFCU.

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