In over 100 years of existence in the United States, credit unions have proven useful to businesses as a valuable employee benefit. Time and time again, an employer has found that the peace of mind among employees, in terms of fewer money worries, led to that employee becoming a more valuable part of the business.

This can come about when an employer offers a Seaford Federal Credit Union payroll deduction plan (PRD) to its employees. By this one act, the business shares its concern about its employees' financial well-being with the credit union. From this point on, the credit union will help any employee who is a credit union member to achieve sound financial practices through analysis and advice. It provides another way for the business to show interest in its human resources and minimize employee dissatisfaction and turnover.

Employees like it because personal financial problems no longer have to be known by the business. The business provides the service of PRD but does not know why the money is being sent to the credit union.

Like all good plans, there is some responsibility and cost on the part of the employer. The employer must enroll the new members, keep timely and proper records of the PRD and send the PRD money to the credit union promptly. However, one deduction or ACH transmission sent to the credit union can take care of multiple deductions since the credit union will split it to regular savings, checking, Christmas Club, vacation, IRAs and loan accounts. In addition, the business should have the feeling that the credit union is an important part of the businesses' employee relations for it to be as successful with its employees as it can be.

One final fact that it is important for all members and businesses involved with the credit union to understand. We are a non-profit organization chartered by the federal government and exempt from federal and state income taxes. As a result, all our income in excess of expenses is returned to the member in some fashion. When a business helps us reduce costs, the savings belongs to the members and no one else.

We have over 40 businesses that offer the convenience of payroll deduction (PRD) to their employees (see the partial listing below). This is the easiest way to save money or repay a loan and one deduction can go to several different types of accounts. Simply fill out a payroll deduction card indicating how much is to be deducted from each paycheck along with the distribution, and we will take care of the rest.

Direct Deposit

Direct deposit is an easy alternative to payroll deduction and can accomplish the same result. It can be set up to be deposited into a share (savings) or share draft (checking) account. The only information that the employer needs is our routing and transit number which is 231176897, and the account number where the money is to be deposited. This is the member number followed by a -00 if the money is to be allocated to the shares, or a -10 if the money is to be deposited into a share draft account. The dash at the end is important for proper posting.

Here are some of the local businesses who are enrolled in this program:

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